Frequently Asked Questions

How many inlets can the Poo Pit™ support?

In this video, Mike explains how the Poo Pit™ can support custom inlets at any grade, any angle to support a variety of configurations.

Is our cap traffic rated?

How does the Poo Pit™ work at grade, and is the gasketed cap traffic rated?

Will it float?

In areas with high groundwater will the Poo Pit™ float out of the ground? In this video Mike explains how the shape of the Poo Pit™ prevents this from happening even in fully surcharged conditions, and can be installed at a depth of as little as 43 inches.

How do you do drop structures?

How do you do drop structures with the Poo Pit™?

Eliminating Confined Space Entry

In this video, Mike talks about the risks of confined space entry with traditional manholes, and how the Poo Pit™ eliminates these risks by allowing all maintenance to take place from the surface.